the horseplay in NorsePlay.
The original punditry of this blog's name aside, the sagas talk about the sport of horsefighting or Skeid/Hestavíg . In this competition stallions are shown a mare which gets them excited, then they are prodded and egged on by their owners with long sticks to attack each other, and the last horse standing wins. These horse bouts lasted into the 20th century CE, but if we examine this tradition and a hypothesis of where it comes from, we can eventually find implied links to the story of Loki & Svaðilfari. This last point is our addition to this. Following the Icelandic settlers back to Norway where Skeid continued until it was banned in 1820 CE, not for the sake of the horses, but because during the raucous & usually violent festivals surrounding it, someone was stabbed. Going further back, the status of the horse as a ruling class animal can be seen in burials where valuable horses were sacrificed for inhumation in Viking Age ship burials and Vendel Period large moun...