Toynbee extrapolates a Viking conquest of Midgard.
After a deep hunt for the Arnold J. Toynbee appendice The Forfeited Birthright of the Abortive Scandinavian Civilization (mentioned as an inspirational piece for Vikingverse author Ian Stuart Sharpe in our interview ), NorsePlay has decided to present it in its entirety here. First published in A Study of History , Volume II, from Oxford University 1934 CE, this appendice gives one much food for thought about how historical outcomes sometimes turn on a tíuaurar , and quite possibly how the seemingly tenuous & malleable society of today could also be directed in the now. _____________________________ THE FORFEITED BIRTHRIGHT OF THE ABORTIVE SCANDINAVIAN CIVILIZATION Having observed the narrowness of the margin by which the abortive Scandinavian Civilization failed to achieve its manifest destiny, let us now imagine to ourselves that the historic encounter between the Vikings and the Civilizations of the South had ended, not as it actually did, but in the other of the two possible...