a TV-reflexive Goddess of Death.

What we find brilliant here is the use of Eva, played by Brooke Williams, who on the NorsePlay-themed show The Almighty Johnsons, is also the reincarnation of the Norse Goddess Hel, rolled into a modern-style meme for Hel. The red-tinged roots of Yggdrasil in the blood-soaked earth are a neat foundation.

#    #    #

Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology,  field research, or product development to offer, do contact him.


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