just shut your mouth, squirrel.

An interpretive overlay for Ratatoskr might be that if his function is to carry messages of enmity between two cosmic creatures that are forces of destruction, then the squirrel's not just a mere harpy, he's also a manifestation of social destruction by disreputation. The erosive slander he carries from top to bottom and back again along Yggdrasil only serves to fans the flames of societal breakdown. Maybe our cosmic squirrel isn't so cute after all?

[graphic from Stickerbomb XL by Studio Rarekwai.]

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Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology,  field research, or product development to offer, do contact him.


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