Map Of Midgard Project update: 800 mappoints completed & counting!
I've successfully plotted 800 mappoints for my Map Of Midgard Project!
This is the seventh progress update since the initial blog post, the first update, the second update, the third update, the fourth update, the fifth update, and the sixth update.
Of the original backlist of 360 mappoints left to plot, 178 potential sites remain.
Again this list would be less by now, but additional data for other mappoints does keep appearing in the course of research to add to the grand total number. This update in point, of the 100 points mapped since last update 30 are additional!
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[text mural by Dane EB Itso thrown up in Vardø, Norway, on the southernmost building of the island.] |
The above in-real-life memepaint appeals to my project's sense of discovery & wonder. It is also the above piece's incidental self-countering reflexive function to then label this unknown but evocative Scandinavian building's physical truth, which then actively puts it on the cognitive map of the viewer's attention. [That muralised building is at 70.364821, 31.115363 (actually not too far from Arrow-Odd's Unclaimed Treasure ... ).]
Our ability to discover & perceive wonder within the world allows us to map & assign a reachable place, which is precisely the cartographic mythology-mapping journey we're on, with the post-mapping goal of travelling to find those very wonders, and providing a map that you can also use to do so.
Like much of the Norse Lore, things & places once sacred were forgotten, and now, I'm putting them back on the map for the curious, the adventurous, the ardent, the dedicants, for myself, and for you. That is the Map Of Midgard.
We now suspect the final number of mappoints may approach 1,000 [!] by time of publication, so this update puts the project at the 4/5th's mark, if our estimate is correct.
Hit that blue follow button & stay tuned to NorsePlay for more updates & announcements about my Map Of Midgard Project.
"There must be ready and generous cooperation between experts in different fields of knowledge if we are to make profitable use of the wealth of new information piling up concerning the pagan religion from which the myths emerged."
~ H.R. Ellis Davidson
Guillermo Maytorena IV knew there was something special in the Norse Lore when he picked up a copy of the d'Aulaires' Norse Gods and Giants at age seven. Since then he's been fascinated by the truthful potency of Norse Mythology, passionately read & studied, embraced Ásatrú, launched the Map of Midgard project, and spearheaded the neologism/brand NorsePlay. If you have employment/opportunities in investigative mythology, field research, or product development to offer, do contact him.
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